When it comes to marketing, the company invoice might be the last thing you’d think about. But think again: it’s a great place to make every attempt to get paid faster and have your customer coming back for more services and products. Here are five fun easy-to-implement ideas to add to your invoices: 1. A Thank-You A simple “Thank you for your business” or a “We appreciate your business” is a nice added touch on…
Read MoreIn the vast majority of industries, referrals are the most cost-effective way to gain new clients and grow your business. When you attract new clients through referrals, your marketing costs are lower, your selling process is easier and more effective, and the referral usually makes for an excellent client. It’s just good business sense to look at how we can proactively increase our referrals. Here are five ideas. 1. Your Email Signature We know it…
Read MoreIf you’re looking for ways to boost your productivity, technology is a great place to start. The good news is there are many free options available. Here are five favorites you might not know about. 1. Bridge lines. If you need teleconference lines, you’re in luck: there are many high-quality options that are completely free. You can have several people, even hundreds, dial into a line and conduct a meeting or training session via the…
Read MoreOne of the main reasons clients leave is because they feel ignored. The cost of ignoring clients is high; you have to do more marketing and replace those clients when they leave. The antidote to this is easy: just stay in touch more with clients, and let them know you care about them and their business. Here are seven ways to stay in touch with all your clients and especially your long-term customers. 1. Pay a…
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