Hiring a new employee is a big accomplishment in any small business, and there are a lot of steps involved, too. Here’s a handy checklist to help you stay organized when you bring that new hire on board.  First things first, the legal and accounting items: Signed employment agreement, typically an offer letter. There may also be a supplemental agreement outlining employee policies. Payroll documents include: IRS form W-4 Form I-9 Copy of employee’s government-issued…

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How well do you love the way you spend your typical workday?  What would a typical workday look like if you had absolutely no constraints?  Here’s a fun exercise to get you thinking about your future and how you can make small changes in your current day to move it toward your ideal day.  Get comfortable and begin jotting out what your ideal day looks like.  Start with what you do before you get to…

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If you feel like you spend too much time on email, you’re not alone. Almost everyone feels the same way. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to be as productive as possible when it comes to handling email. Here are five tips to help you do just that. 1- Automate your emails. If you’re sending a lot of the same emails to clients, you may be able to add them to email list…

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If you spend a lot of time online using a web browser to view web sites or to work in online applications, then you may benefit from knowing these wonderful features about your browser software. Bookmarks All browsers support bookmarks, and hopefully you are already using this powerful feature. Which web pages do you need to visit on a daily basis? Those should be ones that have a place on your browser’s bookmark bar. Look…

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Tim Ferriss made the 4-hour workweek a popular concept in his 2007 book.  But is there such a thing, and more importantly, can business owners like you and me cash in on it?  As the last of the Baby Boomers approach retirement, the topic of working less while making the same or more income is popular. Here are five ideas to help you work fewer hours while making the same or more income. Active vs.…

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