We’ve been in a pandemic for what seems like five years now, right? All joking aside, if you’ve been lucky enough to work from home this past year, then it’s possible that you are in the process of going stir-crazy. Or maybe you’re simply ready to shake things up a bit. Working from home has its benefits. Yet, if you are someone who enjoys going to the office every day, chatting with co-workers in person,…

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If revenue hasn’t come back as fast as you expected it to, it may be time to review your budget and determine if some planned expenses can be cut. Here are five places to look to do just that. 1. Travel Since most events have been moved online or cancelled altogether, you can likely redirect any money you’ve budgeted for travel this year to other more urgent expenses. And if you have prepaid these items,…

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As the global pandemic brings business and the economy to a grinding halt, you may wonder what steps you can take now to protect your business, your employees, and your customers. CISA.gov lists the Information Technology Sector as one of 16 critical infrastructure sectors needed to stay open and operable during a national crisis. Here are some steps you can take right now to alleviate stress on your business. Payroll The IRS outlined provisions for…

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Hopefully you’re having a wonderful December with all of the holidays and parties this month. And if you’ve spent too much on gifts and decorations, never fear. Here are six ways to save on your accounting and taxes. But hurry, you only have until year-end to cash in a few of these tips. 1. Check your profits After adjustments, are your books going to show a profit this year? If so, you may want to…

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Small business owners have a lot on their plates, and time simply does not allow you to become an expert in all the areas required for running a business. Here are a couple of common mistakes that we see all the time. Correcting them will help you be more productive and profitable in your business. 1. Mismanaging receipts Maintaining receipts are challenging for everyone, but the IRS requires that you have proof of business expenditures.…

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