Both the IRS and Treasury have announced that the deadline to file AND pay your individual federal income tax for the tax year of 2019 has been extended to July 15, 2020. While Florida residents are not subject to state income tax, others are. For information on your state income tax response, please see this link: If you cannot file your return by July 15, 2020, we can help you file an extension until October
MSPs: Stay Ahead of the Curve
Category: Business Tips, Cost-Saving Tips, Expense Reduction Tips, News, Payroll Tips, Tax
As the global pandemic brings business and the economy to a grinding halt, you may wonder what steps you can take now to protect your business, your employees, and your customers. lists the Information Technology Sector as one of 16 critical infrastructure sectors needed to stay open and operable during a national crisis. Here are some steps you can take right now to alleviate stress on your business. Payroll The IRS outlined provisions for
Looking for fresh, effective ways to grow your business in 2020? You’ve come to the right place. In today’s market, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd, gain new customers or clients, and increase your company’s revenue. Note: We said difficult, not impossible! Below, you’ll find six fun, easy tips to help you achieve your goals and make your business bigger and better as it enters the new decade. Freshen Up Your
The Psychology of Money
Category: Business Tips
The topic of money affects our emotions, beliefs, and behaviors in a very personal and individual way. Whether we have enough, need more, or are indifferent can impact our overall financial status. The most important thing to know about this topic is to be self-aware of your own feelings and actions and how they impact your wealth. How do you feel about money in general? Does your brain repeat common beliefs like “Money doesn’t buy
Accounting Tasks at Year-End
Category: Accounting, Bookkeeping, Business Tips, Tax
You might wonder why there are so many extra tasks at year-end. While the government requires much of the work, there is clean-up work and adjustments that need to be done to make the books accurate. It’s not always cost-effective to perform all of these updates monthly, so you’re actually saving money by doing some of them at year-end. Here are just some of the items that are performed at year-end. Tax-related: If you have