All small businesses need cash to operate, and there are many ways to generate the required cash. The most common way that many businesses get started is when the owner makes an investment from their savings or other personal cash. But what if it’s not enough? In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the more common ways to finance a business. Community banks Most community banks are big proponents of small businesses,…
Read MoreIn accounting, a key term to know is “internal control.” Internal control is the series of processes and procedures that are performed within the organization to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the financial information and reporting of that organization. Internal control is very important to consider in order to protect the business owners, employees, vendors, investors, and other stakeholders. In a small business, maintaining good internal control is often a challenge since staff size…
Read MoreSometimes it’s hard for business owners to know how to take their businesses to the next level of growth and profitability. If you’ve been stuck at the same revenue or profit level for a while, it could be because knowing how to scale your business is not a skill in your skillset — yet. Enter a classic management book on scaling: High Output Management by Andrew Grove, ex-chairman and CEO of Intel. While it was…
Read MoreWe’ve been in a pandemic for what seems like five years now, right? All joking aside, if you’ve been lucky enough to work from home this past year, then it’s possible that you are in the process of going stir-crazy. Or maybe you’re simply ready to shake things up a bit. Working from home has its benefits. Yet, if you are someone who enjoys going to the office every day, chatting with co-workers in person,…
Read MoreThe Employee Retention Credit is one of the many IRS tax breaks for businesses that was included in the 2020 CARES Act as well as the recent Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. The goal of the credit is to provide financial relief to businesses that suffered from the effects of coronavirus but retained their employees. The credit is available to eligible employers that paid qualified wages from March 13, 2020 through June 30, 2021. To be…
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