Five Best-Practice Accounts Payable Tips for a Smoother Cash Flow
Category: Accounting, Bookkeeping Tips, Business Tips, Cost-Saving Tips, Management Tips
Watching the cash balance is one of the most frequent activities of a small business owner. Besides making sure you have enough cash for payroll and bills, there is another huge opportunity you can benefit from: lowering the cost of processing your bills. It can be expensive and time-consuming to process bills and handle the paperwork involved. We’ll take a look at a couple of the many ways you can streamline your accounts payable processing
Every sales lead is precious. It takes a lot to get people’s attention these days, and once a lead or prospect comes in your door, you’ve accomplished that hurdle, but now you have another one: getting the business. To ensure you can turn those prospects into paying customers as often as possible, here are three mistakes we can all learn from and avoid at the very beginning of the sales process. #1 Tech-Speak Every industry
As we move into the fall season and the final quarter of the year, it’s a perfect time to commit to a project in your business that will help you reach the year’s end in better shape. Here are five ideas: 1. Back-to-School Time If payroll expenses are one of the higher costs in your business, then it makes sense to boost your team’s productivity and maybe also your own. Fall is back-to-school time anyway,
When it comes to marketing, the company invoice might be the last thing you’d think about. But think again: it’s a great place to make every attempt to get paid faster and have your customer coming back for more services and products. Here are five fun easy-to-implement ideas to add to your invoices: 1. A Thank-You A simple “Thank you for your business” or a “We appreciate your business” is a nice added touch on
On a doctor’s visit, the first thing the nurse does is take your vitals: your temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate. These basic measurements are the first place doctors look to see if something is wrong with our health. Knowing your vital signs, and especially when they are out of whack, is good for your health. In the same way, knowing your business’s vital signs, and especially when they are out of whack,