Getting payroll done has gotten so much easier than it used to be for small business owners. But there are still some minefields when it comes to state and federal compliance. We’ll take a look at six of them in today’s article. 1. Business or Personal? A great admin might want to help you in any way they can, including personal errands. But time spent having your admin fetch your dry cleaning and drug
Summer is a great time of year for most businesses to pause for just a little while to take stock, congratulate yourself on what you’ve accomplished so far this year, and make big plans for your future. Here are five summertime strategies to help you regroup, reassess, and rejuvenate your business. 1. Mid-Year Review If your business runs by the calendar year, 2014 is already more than half over. This is a perfect time
Have you ever stayed at a hotel and then returned, finding that they have stocked your room with everything you asked for the last time you were here? Your special allergenic pillow was already waiting for you, you were asked if you would like a dinner reservation made just like you always do the first night, and there were even extra hangars because you always need extra hangars. None of this would be possible for
One of the side effects of our last economic slowdown was in state government budgets; states searched hard for new income, and many of them found a great source by cracking down on sales tax collections. Their new hot buzzword: nexus. Nexus means a connection that a business has with a state, and it has to do with a form of presence. In the sales tax world, you owe sales tax to a state if
As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for shaping your business success. Any habits that sabotage your success in your personal life can often carry over to your business. Becoming aware of these is the first step to success. Here are seven success-boosting habits to double-check against your own. Being able to say “No.” Do you say “yes” to too many things that don’t serve your life purpose, help your family, or move your business forward?