Congratulations! You are one of the lucky recipients of the Paycheck Protection Program Loan. Not everyone can say the same. Once you receive approval, the bank has ten calendar days to disburse the money. As soon as you receive those funds, the 8-week clock begins to tick. Do not waste time. For the eight weeks immediately following your loan funding, your expenses must meet certain criteria if you hope to have the loan forgiven. Loan
If you agree that “there’s no place like home,” then you may also have a wish to work from home more often. In many cases, you can, and here are some tools you need to get started. If the products and services your business sells can be sold or delivered digitally, then you’re a candidate for working from home most of the time. If you have a storefront where customers visit to purchase your products
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan and the Economic Injury Disaster (EIDL) Loan
Category: Business Tips, News
On Friday, March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) was signed into law, and one part of it includes two loan programs for small businesses. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Owners of businesses, including nonprofits, with less than 500 employees that have been impacted financially due to the coronavirus can apply for a nonrecourse loan up to the lesser of $10 million or roughly 2.5 times the average monthly payroll
CARES Act Stimulus Strategy
Category: Business Tips
Now that countries around the world have stimulus packages in place, what is the best use of that money and opportunity? In the United States, our government passed two packages in the past month. Your head may be spinning with the best course of action for your business. I have some suggestions. But first, allow me to offer a quick glossary of terms: FFCRA – Families First Coronavirus Response Act – passed March 18, provides
That’s right: The future is here! Now that it’s officially 2020, it may be time to jump on that accounting app bandwagon if you haven’t already done so. The exciting news is you can actually do a lot of your accounting tasks from your phone instead of your computer. Here are just a few examples of accounting things you can do on your phone. Banking Are you still trudging to the bank to make your