A great way to start the new year is to get clear on exactly how you can make your revenue goal number. A revenue plan is the perfect tool. You’ll need to be proficient in Excel, and if not, you can work with your accountant on this very important and enlightening spreadsheet. Start by listing all of your products and services, listing one product or service in each row of a blank spreadsheet. Enter the…
Read MoreThe holiday month of December brings celebration as well as reflection for all the events that occurred in 2014. It also gives us great hope for a new fabulous start in 2015. Here are three ideas to start 2015 with a bang. Find a focus for the year. Instead of getting into the rut of making and breaking resolutions, consider having a focus for the entire year. Choose your focus from among things like: Developing…
Read MoreYear-end is a great time to think about rewarding your staff for a job well done in 2014. Here are a couple of quick tips to help you make the most of bonuses while protecting your business and cash flow. Timing. Would you be better off timing bonuses in this year to reduce 2014-year taxes or to wait until next year so they impact the 2015 tax year? It’s something to consider before you dish…
Read MoreIn a little over a month, it will be 2015 and time for year-end accounting chores. One of those chores is getting your 1099s out, and now is a good time to tie up loose ends so the year-end process can go smoother. Here are some tips to do just that: Go through your vendor list and make sure each contractor that you are paying is marked in your accounting system as a contractor eligible…
Read MoreAssets and expenses both have a “debit” balance on the financial statements, but that’s where their similarities end. Spending on one can make you rich and spending too much on the other can leave you broke. An expense is money you may need to spend, but after a year, there is nothing lasting to show for it. An asset is a tangible resource that is still worth something after a year or more and that…
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