One of the most important success factors of small businesses is the ability to generate revenue, and to do that, most businesses need to market their services and products to bring in new customers and sales. The challenge for small business is how to make their marketing dollars work the hardest, and this requires careful tracking and measurement. Here’s one way to get started tracking your marketing spending so that you can find out what’s
There are a lot of deadlines that come with running a business. Missing some deadlines can have serious financial implications to the health of your business. Let’s take a look at how much you’ll save by being on time with the following deadlines. Payroll One of the toughest deadlines of all, making payroll, is essential to keeping employees happy. Making payroll tax deposits on time is even more crucial. You’ll save the following in penalties
Attracting and retaining talent in your small business can be a giant step toward growing into a mid-sized business. Beyond attracting new employees with salary and benefits, here are several perks, policies, and benefits to consider when recruiting women, and employees in general, to your workforce. 1. Flex work hours. Everyone likes regaining control over their workday, and offering flex hours can be one of the lowest cost policies to implement. Flex hours support work-life
Every business has a gold mine in its current customer base. But not all business owners remember to mine this gold because they are too busy trying to attract new customers or developing new products or services. This is the perfect time of year to step back and remember the three easiest ways to grow your business revenue using your existing customer base. 1. Upsell current clients. Offer steady customers a product or service with

Your Obligations Regarding 1099-MISC

Posted by Rayanne Buchianico on  January 29, 2018
Category: Tax
So, you think you can dodge your income tax responsibility by failing to provide your Social Security Number to a company who used your services? Let’s talk a little more about what happens when you fail to provide the required information to the Internal Revenue Service. There are two sides to this problem. Problem 1 – The company doesn’t want to issue a 1099 because they want to pay the person “under the table.” Well,